Fable II Interview

Another fragment of videogaming247 talking with Peter Molyneux, this time about Fable II’s imperfections and Fable I’s hype.

(I wish we had two more bones in the top lip of each character so their mouths could form the words a little bit better. I wish they blinked more. I wish the sun’s God rays were a little less harsh in the early sunset. I wish the leaves were just fractionally smaller, because they tend to be a little bit large for trees,) he said.

(It’s a list of trivial little things where, perhaps if you bring them all together it brings down the game a fraction. And that’s what I mean by that. I don’t think anybody in this world, whether you be a reviewer or someone who’s [worked in the industry for a long time], can sit looking at Fable [II] and say, ‘˜That is a perfect game set in a perfect world.’ Because it’s not.

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