Fable II Post-Release Interview

Develop Magazine interviews Lionhead’s Peter Molyneux, now that his ambitious Fable sequel has been on store shelves for a good week.

So from that list was Fable 2’s development more focused, then?

Well, I say we had a good list of things to make a sequel – but that’s not what Lionhead was established to create. We were ambitious, and I couldn’t help myself. One afternoon I walked out into the studio, and on a whiteboard wrote a sentence I wanted to sum up and drive the game development. The line was ‘˜I want to make a game that the player will never forget.’

So my thinking is that if you only have space in your mind for five great cultural things one of them being Lord of the Rings, another being Pulp Fiction then Fable 2 has to stand alongside them or even replace one of them, thanks to the gameplay and the story.

This is totally my style, I like thinking big and trying to inspire people because if you can generate that kind of excitement and get people thinking, if they only get half way to the goal you’ve been successful. Otherwise you get nothing at all.

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