Fable III: The Official Magazine Released

Lionhead and GamerZines have teamed up to provide us with Fable III: The Official Magazine, a free 14-page PDF that covers the game’s first three hours, an in-depth look at the “Road To Rule”, The Sanctuary menu system, and an interview with the illustrious Peter Molyneux.

You mentioned to us how you become King in the second part of the game. How long do you expect each section of the game to last?

It really depends on your play style as to how long those two parts take. We used to say either would take 50% of the time, but as the playthroughs have shown some people have varied their gameplay, so it’s very very hard to say. A lot of people spend a lot of time before ruling to get themselves ready, so it’s not fair to say it’s 50%.

An approximate number of hours would have been nice, Peter.

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