Fallout 3 Cancelled in India

Fallout 3 – set to release on Xbox 360 only in India – has been cancelled by publisher Microsoft there, citing “cultural sensitivities”. GamingIndians.com reports:

Here’s the statement from Microsoft India:

Microsoft constantly endeavors to bring the best games to Indian consumers in sync with their international release. However, in light of cultural sensitivities in India, we have made the business decision to not bring Fallout 3 into the country.

Games fail to release in India for various reasons – high prices, lack of distribution – but (cultural sensitivities) is a first, it would seem. With games like Postal, Bioshock, Grand Theft Auto and many more on stores shelves for anyone to purchase, it really makes you wonder what exactly it is that made the release Fallout 3 in India such a business risk.

Spotted on Kotaku.

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