Fallout 3 DLC Mini Reviews

After finishing all four of the DLC addons available for Fallout 3 (at the moment), the editors at GayGamer used the opportunity to point out each one’s strengths and weaknesses. Their take on Broken Steel:

The Story: Join the Brotherhood of Steel to help eradicate the Enclave once and for all.

The Good:

‘¢Extends the original story past the end of the game
‘¢Raises the level cap to 30
‘¢Provides a bit more closure to the main storyline
‘¢Opens up some side missions in the main world that might surprise you
‘¢Adds some new locations to the already existing map
‘¢Helper characters can help you with these missions

The Not So Good:

‘¢Not a lot of new enemy types, just stronger versions of old ones
‘¢Doesn’t offer much in the way of new surroundings

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