Fallout 3 Interview

The Guardian offers an interview with Pete Hines, including some user-submitted questions. However, none of the questions are new and unsurprisingly none of the answers offers anything new, but Greg Howson of the Guardian is still looking for answers to other, perhaps more interesting user-submitted questions.

How do you keep the wasteland setting interesting- both visually and from a content perspective?

It’s one of those things we have spent a long time on. We needed more variation than we had originally. It isn’t always obvious the first time you play through either. There are a lot of nice touches such as the raiders with baseball caps who attack you on a baseball pitches. We’ve got a good mix of things to find in the world. Regarding visuals, it’s much easier to do a beautiful setting with rivers and waterfalls and trees but there is a real beauty in the destruction of things. You come over a hill and in front of you is what used to be a highway and someone has set up a settlement under the bridge for protection. It’s really interesting to see how people have tried to live on in this world. We tried to vary what you find but also give you those epic vistas.

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