Fallout 3 Operation Anchorage DLC Q&A

WonderwallWeb has cranked out a Q&A with Bethesda’s Jeff Gardiner, chatting with the producer about the upcoming Operation Anchorage DLC for Fallout 3.

Moving from the Wasteland to pre-holocaust Alaska must have been a big change for you what will the player notice first and did you have to create completely new assets to illustrate the environment?

Jeff Gardiner: We had to create a huge amount of assets from scratch, which was part of the fun. We spent so much time in the brown devastated wastes that using a different colour palette was a welcome change. Once the player enters the simulation, they’ll notice the clear blue sky first. Then the snow and massive mountain range.

Can you tell us a little about the experience players will have in Operation Anchorage and what situations they will find themselves in?

Jeff Gardiner: The player will be tasked with taking the main Chinese stronghold outside of Anchorage. Along the way they’ll pick up new weaponry, and even get to command a small strike force of their choosing. They’ll be able to pick what type of team they’d like to create, and then how to utilize them in succeeding in their objective.

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