Fallout 3 Preview

Someone has put the Original PlayStation Magazine UK preview of Fallout 3 online. Perhaps not directly worth mentioning, there’s quite a lot of unintentional hilarity in the article:

Any argument about the best videogame weapon end here. Fallout 3’s Fat Man is awe-inspiringly, brilliantly, destructive – an instant classic. It’s basically a spring-loaded catapult that lobs football-sized nukes at enemies. The results are magnificent, beautiful and terrifying. There’s a muted “wumf!” a shimmering blast of heat and a blinding flash, all of which are immediately eclipsed by a blossoming mushroom cloud that expands, slowly, to the size of a terraced house.

When the smoke eventually clears the only things that remain are an assortment of pulpy bad-guy nuggets and the gently insistent click of your Geiger counter. It’s probably best not to stand downwind of the blast. For about 10,000 years. But when you’re lost in a post-apocalyptic wasteland filled with irradiated ants the size of Volvos and psychotic mutants, you need to pack some serious heat.

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