Fallout 3 Preview

MTV Multiplayer is the next site that had 4 hours with Fallout 3 and gives us their thoughts.

I had gone into my (Fallout 3″ demo intending to play it the same way I did (Fable II.) Because I’m almost always a good guy when I play games at home, I wanted to play (Fallout 3″ as a jerk. But because Bethesda blocked us from the main quest, I found being a bad guy in the early going meant I couldn’t find many missions. Reluctantly, I decided to help the citizens of Megaton. In the back of my mind, though, I wanted to turn on their nuclear bomb and blow the city to smithereens.

Many missions in (Fallout 3″ ensure you’ll be doing a fair bit of open-world wandering. The compass in the corner of the screen not only points out the direction of your primary objective, but sights to see along the way. If you follow the compass’ hints, you’ll be sidetracked pretty easily, discovering supermarkets, baseball fields, movie theaters and more. You gain experience for discovering landmarks, so there’s a good incentive to explore as much of the (Fallout 3″ landscape as possible.

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