Fallout 3 Q&A

CVG has a single question for Pete Hines on violence. A question that has been asked multiple times before, note.

Bethesda Softworks’ main PR man Peter Hines has denounced suggestions that the company is using extreme violence as a main selling point of Fallout 3.

When questioned over the extreme violence seen in screenshots so far, Hines responded: “We don’t want it to be the focal point of the game, but it is what it is. It’s a violent world, and so the combat should be violent as a result.

“I think we’ve done it to the extent that it’s not realistic. It’s a bit more tongue-in-cheek. It’s Quentin Tarantino. So it’s not storming the beaches of Normandy in Saving Private Ryan, where it looks like it’s actually happening. It’s more Kill Bill. It’s violence that’s a bit more over the top so it’s more comical than disturbing.”

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