Fallout 3 The Pitt DLC Reviews

The weekend brings us two more reviews of The Pitt, Bethesda Softworks’ newly released DLC for Fallout 3.

First up is The Hachiko with a score of 3.5/5:

The Pitt is fun while it lasts, but an annoying fetch quests, short play time, and in my opinion a personal lack of cool armor and weaponry (outside the great Auto-Axe) make it a DLC more for the hardcore Fallout 3 fan than anyone else. It’s good, but I just wanted more.

Then we have IncGamers with a score of 7/10:

The Pitt is a step back and in the right direction to the more traditional quest lines of Fallout 3 with several morally ambiguous choices, but it is a frustratingly short campaign, albeit short and sweet, I completed and explored it all in five hours. There maybe some longevity in replay: as mentioned there are a few different moral routes to explore, I just hope that the next installment does allow leveling up and is more of a challenge to those of us that have fully explored and stated up in the Capitol Wasteland.

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