Fallout 76 First Beta Patch, Holotape Series

The first PC beta session for Fallout 76 was live yesterday. Unfortunately, it included an unexpected issue that forced those who wanted to get into the beta to re-download the entire game. However, according to this PC Gamer article, this was exactly the purpose of the beta – it was released in order to help the developers discover and fix these issues prior to the game’s official launch. Here’s a snippet:

Re-downloading the beta meant some players were late getting into the beta when it began, while others missed it entirely because they weren’t able to complete the download during the four-hour beta window. In response, Bethesda extended the next scheduled beta to run a few extra hours.

“Apologies to anyone who had to download that stuff,” said Hines. “But, you know, I’m here to tell you: it’s not going to be the last bump on the road. And hopefully we continue to smooth those out, but that is in fact the whole point of doing this beta, is to find those things and see if we can’t resolve them, while also letting people just have fun and enjoy the game.”

The beta session also resulted in Fallout 76’s first patch that introduced some new features, re-balanced a few of the existing ones, and fixed numerous bugs. You can find the patch notes on the game’s website, where you can also check out this new “Tales from the West Virginia Hills” audio series if you’re interested in some post-nuclear lore.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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