Fallout 76 – Invaders From Beyond Update Overview

The team behind Fallout 76 is currently working on Invaders from Beyond, the next major update for their multiplayer survival RPG. And as a result, you can now sample some of its new features on the game’s Public Test Server, including a new seasonal event, a number of improvements to the Fallout Worlds system, and more.

You can find a full list of the PTS features over here, and read a quick overview below:


A little later today, we’re planning to reopen the PTS so that you can share feedback with us on the “Invaders from Beyond” Update coming in March. We’re eager to hear your thoughts on an out-of-this-world new Seasonal Event, Fallout Worlds improvements, a new Public Event that’s planned for another update later this year, and more. Read on to catch additional details before you dive into playtesting.


Otherworldly interlopers are invading our skies and preying on our brainwaves! Every hour on the hour during this all-new Seasonal Event, an alien mothership will hover above a high-profile Appalachian location to deploy Brainwave Siphons. Disrupt their efforts by banding together with fellow humans to destroy any Siphons in the area and show the aliens who’s really the boss around these parts. When you do, you’ll have a chance to earn rare plans to craft new alien weaponry, as well as high-tech additions for your C.A.M.P.

We’ve also received reports that our curious visitors have been spotted at various Public Events, so be sure to keep your guard up as you adventure around Appalachia.


One of the top Fallout Worlds requests that we see from the community is for progress in Public and Custom Worlds to also count toward Adventure Mode. We’re pleased to let you know that, with the Invaders from Beyond Update, you will be able to continue your Season journey by earning S.C.O.R.E. from any non-repeatable Daily and Weekly Challenges you complete in Public and Custom Worlds.

Additionally, we’ve rustled up a variety of new settings for you to tinker with in Custom Worlds. Disable VATS versus other Dwellers, or turn it off entirely, make your enemies explode into a burst of confetti, allow C.A.M.P. objects to intersect with one another, and more!


Please note: “Test Your Metal” is slated for a future patch that will arrive after the Invaders from Beyond Update. However, we’ve included it in this PTS to begin gathering early community input. Give it a try and let us know what you think.

The Brotherhood of Steel recently learned that the Rust Eagles, an offshoot of the Blood Eagles, have been cobbling together a regiment of deadly combat bots from spare parts they’ve scavenged. Scribe Valdez sent a Field Team to investigate the threat these bots pose by competing against them in the Rust Eagle Arena. If they’re going to come out on top, they’ll need a little more firepower—and that’s where you come in. Gear up and help the “Gladiators of Steel” emerge victorious over the Rust Eagles’ robot army. The more Gladiators who survive the Arena, the higher your chances to earn rare rewards, like the new Raider Robot Armor plan.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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