Fallout 76 – March 2021 Updates

This month’s development update for Bethesda’s multiplayer survival-RPG Fallout 76 starts by talking about some new features you’ll soon be able to sample on the Public Test Server and then proceeds to highlight a few upcoming events and community activities. Here’s what you can expect:

Welcome back! In this edition of Inside that Vault, we’re sharing an update on our plans to reopen the Public Test Server (PTS), which will include new features from our next update for Fallout 76. We’ve also got a reminder about the start of “Caps-a-Plenty” this weekend, as well as a refresher on some community activities you can take part in during March. Read on for details.


We know that some in the community have been eagerly waiting to get hands-on playtesting time with our next Fallout 76 update in the Public Test Server, and we can’t wait for you to dive in, either. We still need some more time to make sure everything is fully implemented, but we’re getting much closer, and are now planning to re-open the PTS in mid-March. Once we do, you will be able to try out upcoming features, like S.P.E.C.I.A.L. Loadouts, C.A.M.P. Slots, the new Daily Ops expansion, and much more.

We’d like to share a sincere “thank you” with everyone who has been patiently waiting for us to bring this update to the Test Server. We’ve been pushing toward getting the new features ready for you to check out. We’re putting a lot of hard work into some of our underlying systems behind those improvements, so it’s important to us that we get this right as we debut them in the PTS. So, we greatly appreciate your understanding while we wrap that up, especially after Mother Nature threw an icy curveball at the dev team in Austin late last month.

As always, if you own a PC copy of Fallout 76 through Bethesda.net, we’d love to have you join us in the PTS once it’s live. In case you’d like a refresher on the improvements you’ll be able to playtest, you can catch those details in our previous article on Fallout.com. Once you’ve had some time to try them out, be sure to visit us in the PTS forum to share your experiences and feedback.


Calling all Wasteland scavengers! If your bags are getting heavy, but your pockets are feeling a little light, then you may want to stop by your local Vendor to top-up your Caps supply during our “Caps-A-Plenty” event. Starting today, you can visit Vendors throughout Appalachia to get up to 2,800 Caps per day by selling them your unwanted gear. Here are the full dates and times:


  • Start: 12:00 p.m. ET on March 4
  • End: 12:00 p.m. ET on March 8


For those of you who just can’t get enough Fallout, we’ve got a variety of activities that you can check out and take part in on a regular basis. Here’s the rundown on what’s in store for this month:

  • Community Spotlight: Whether you’re a cosplayer, artist, photographer, in-game fight club owner, or anything else, the Fallout 76 community is brimming with players who contribute in their own unique ways. Each month, we highlight a community member who is doing something awesome by interviewing them. In this month’s Community Spotlight article, we’re featuring podcast host, mod, CAMP builder, and live streamer JessicaStar. Catch it on Fallout.com tomorrow, March 5.
  • Around Appalachia: Fancy yourself a Photomode expert? Share your best snapshots with us, and you might get featured in our next Around Appalachia article on Fallout.com! This season’s theme is “Winter Silhouettes, and we’re excited to see what you come up with. Be sure to submit your photos for consideration by March 15.
  • C.A.M.P. Creations: We challenge builders to construct creative new C.A.M.P.s around a different theme every month, and then share them with the community. Like Around Appalachia, we select a few of our favorites, and then feature them on Fallout.com. Last month’s theme was “Raiders,” and you can read the article here. The next theme is “Settlers,” and you can submit your Appalachian abodes here.
  • Weekly Streams: Come chat with us! Tune in to Twitch.tv/Bethesda every Wednesday at 1:00 p.m. ET to join members of the Fallout 76 Community Team as they adventure in Appalachia and discuss all things Fallout 76.

Until next time, we’ll see you in Appalachia.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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