Fallout 76 – Pioneer Scouts and Backpacks

The latest “Inside the Vault” development update for Bethesda’s multiplayer survival RPG Fallout 76 announces a double XP weekend along with a couple of developer livestreams, and then tells us a bit about some upcoming features, that this time around include a series of survival and exploration-related challenges and new customizable backpacks that will increase your carry weight. Here’s more on that:


The intrepid Pioneer Scouts have a long history of inspiring the children of Appalachia to strive “ever upwards” on missions of self-improvement and the betterment of their communities. However, a lack of interested children in the wake of the Great War has caused active scout numbers to dwindle. So, the Pioneer Scouts are taking their philosophy of inclusivity to a whole new level by accepting recruits of all ages.

If you think the Pioneer Scouts are right for you, check out the posters at Train Stations around Appalachia, or unlock one for your C.A.M.P. for free in the Atomic Shop through June 9.


As a novice Tadpole, you will need to prove you’ve embraced the Pioneering lifestyle by completing activities that demonstrate their core values: kindness, helpfulness, bravery, and growth. You can also earn badges that show your mastery over traditional activities, like swimming, archery, cooking, athletics, and more. In addition to measuring individual growth, badges will come in handy at Pioneer Scout vending machines. Trade your badges in for themed loot that you can use to enhance your C.A.M.P. and show off your Pioneering spirit.

Once you’ve been promoted to the rank of the mighty Possum, you will be able to pursue tougher badges and will be rewarded with your first backpack (more on that in a moment).


Listening to spooky stories around the glow of a campfire is time-honored Pioneer Scout tradition. Head to Camp Adams after nightfall to hear about the Terrors of the Dark. Listen closely, but be sure to look over your shoulder for any real creepy creatures that may be lurking in the shadows. Don’t worry too much, this story was originally told to more age-appropriate Tadpoles and Possums, so it won’t be too scary for most veterans of the Wasteland.


Backpacks are new functional items being introduced with Ever Upwards that you can equip to increase your carry weight, so that you have room for more supplies when you head into the great outdoors. They are also customizable and can be modded to fit your fashion sense and personal tastes.

You can also apply one of several functional mods to your backpack so that it’s better suited to the needs of your next big excursion. A few of the mods you that you can learn to craft include: increased carry capacity (it is a backpack, after all), armor plating for more damage resistance, and even a refrigeration unit, which will give any food within some added shelf-life. However, many of these utility mods will take up some space once installed, and will reduce some of the bonus storage your backpack provides.

Your backpack will remain visible over your outfits and armor, and while you won’t be able to see it while wearing Power Armor, you will still benefit from its carry weight bonus and the current utility mod you’ve applied. Additionally, whenever you learn a new backpack mod it will apply to all types of backpacks you can craft, so you won’t need to re-learn mods every time you try out a different pack.

We can’t wait to get backpacks into your hands with our Ever Upwards update, and we hope you will take them with you wherever your travels may lead.

You may also be interested in last week’s feature that previewed some upcoming weekly challenges and their corresponding rewards.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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