Fallout 76 Update – Night of the Moth Developer Preview

Bethesda’s online survival RPG Fallout 76 will be getting its next content update on December 8, 2021. And seeing how this Night of the Moth update is currently live on the PTS, we’re treated to a preview where the game’s developers talk about and showcase the new stuff coming to the game in December.

Apart from that, we get word of some upcoming in-game events, so here’s the video part of the update:

And the text bits:


The Night of the Moth Update is going to introduce “The Mothman Equinox” Seasonal Event, which will bring you up close and personal with the Mothman Cult as you aid “The Enlightened” in a ritual to summon the Wise Mothman to Point Pleasant. This patch will also implement a wide variety of quality-of-life improvements, ranging from nearby corpse looting to legendary loot sharing, and beyond. We wanted to share a more in-depth look at the Night of the Moth Update with you, and so we sat down with Senior Quest Designer Carl McKevitt and Lead Designer Don Etgeton to chat about all of this and more. Watch our latest Dev Dive video below to learn about the new Seasonal Event and improvements that are on their way to the game, and to catch thoughts from the developers’ perspectives on the new update.

As mentioned above, the Night of the Moth Update is currently slated for release on December 8. If you own a PC copy of the game via Bethesda.net, you can try out everything in the new update right now in our Public Test Server. There’s still plenty of time to share your feedback with us, as well as earn a Mothman-themed Pennant for your C.A.M.P. in the live game, before playtesting concludes on December 7. We’ll see you in the PTS!


Our adventures with The Unstoppables in Season 6 are going to come to an end when we release the Night of the Moth Update next month. Give your rank a boost by earning double the usual S.C.O.R.E. from all of the Daily Challenges you complete this weekend, until November 22. Starting the next day, on November 23, we’re adding some bonus Weekly Challenges to the lineup to help you rank up, claim rewards, and put a stop to the devious Diabolicals once and for all.

Double S.C.O.R.E. began yesterday and will last until 12:00 p.m. ET (17:00 UTC) on Monday. Bonus Challenges will appear at 12:00 p.m. ET (17:00 UTC) on Tuesday, November 23, and they’ll be available until Challenges reset the following Tuesday. The last full day to rank up and claim all of your Season 6 Scoreboard rewards will be December 7. We hope that you can use the double S.C.O.R.E. and bonus Challenges to finish out the Season on a high note during these final weeks.


As we head into the holiday season, we know that many of you will be quite busy cooking, foraging for ingredients, and hunting down some Perfectly Preserved Pie as the final course for your Thanksgiving feasts. Once you’ve eaten your fill and finished sharing what you’re thankful for with your dinner guests, be sure to set aside some time for the cornucopia of in-game activities that we’ve prepared for you on Thanksgiving weekend.

If your pockets are feeling a little light, then gather all of your unwanted items and visit your favorite vendor to sell them for up to double the normal daily maximum number of Caps. Similarly, if Legendary Scrip is what you’re after, then you can head to the nearest Legendary Exchange Machine to trade your legendary items for up to twice the usual daily amount of Scrip. Finally, bring your stack of freshly minted Scrip to Purveyor Murmrgh’s shop at the Rusty Pick in the Ash Heap to pick up new legendary weapons and armor for 25% off her usual prices.

Caps-A-Plenty, Scrip Surplus, and the Purveyor Sale are all slated to begin at 12:00 p.m. ET (17:00 UTC) on Thursday, November 25, and they will last until Monday, November 29.

Next week, many in our studio will be spending some time with their families for Thanksgiving, so we will not have an article on November 25. When we return the following week, we’re planning to take a closer look at Fallout 76 Season 7, including rank-up reward previews. To all those who celebrate Thanksgiving, we hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend and that you are able to share it with your loved ones. Until next time, we’ll see you in Appalachia.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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