Fallout 76: Wild Appalachia – Survival Mode Beta Live

When the Wild Appalachia update for Fallout 76 went live, we were told to expect the beta for the game’s PvP-focused survival mode on March 26, 2019. With that in mind, the latest set of patch notes introduces us to the survival mode, along with a plethora of other fixes and improvements. And if you’d like to learn more about the survival mode, you should check out this overview on the game’s website. An excerpt:


Bring the Danger

In Survival, it’s open season on other dwellers! You can still quest, explore, and loot as you please, but you can also attack other players without restriction. There’s just one catch—they can freely attack you, as well. You’ll need to be cunning if you choose to go on the hunt, because other players won’t appear on your map unless they are Wanted or one of the top three players on the Longest Life scoreboards (more on that below).

High-Stakes PVP

When you manage to take down your prey you’ll earn twice as many Caps as you would for dweller kills in Adventure Mode. On death, they’ll drop all of their junk as well as a random amount of the aid items they were carrying, which will be yours for the taking. . . so long as no one is around to challenge you for them.

If an opponent manages to kill you, you’ll find the Seek Revenge respawn option has been disabled. However, you can spend some of your Caps to place a bounty on that player’s head, causing them to appear Wanted for everyone in that world. Whether you use this to your advantage and try your luck a second time or let another dweller bring your killer to justice is up to you.

Tuned for Combat

We’ve made some over-arching adjustments to PVP damage in Survival Mode to make weapons feel even more deadly in your hands, while also limiting the likelihood that another dweller can drop you in one hit. To further level the playing field, only the healing effects of one Stimpak of each type can be active at any given time, which will keep players from gaining an advantage by stacking lots of Stimpak healing.

Additionally, you can only respawn at your C.A.M.P., Vault 76, and Train Stations. Fast travel is also limited to these locations, plus any Workshops you own. You’ll become invulnerable for a short period of time after fast traveling, which should help prevent any nasty surprises when you load in. Keep in mind, though, that this invulnerability effect will be removed if you fire your weapon early.

XP is Key!

To help you keep pace with the added dangers posed by the Wasteland, we’re giving you a permanent 20% bonus to any XP you earn in Survival Mode. This should help your new characters get into fighting shape more quickly and give your seasoned characters more frequent level-ups as you conquer Appalachia.

Now that you’ve got a handle on the main differences between Adventure and Survival, let’s take a look at how you can show off your skills in the new Survival Mode scoreboards.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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