Far Cry 6 to Be Released before September 2021

Far Cry 6 seems to be shrouded in as much mystery as its release date. Dedicated fans had a peculiar time trying to follow news for the game since the Cinematic Title Sequence and the Reveal Trailer released in July 2020. However, the dramatic story of a dictator and his son continues to constitute the majority of what is known about the much-awaited FPS.

After the initial planned release date of February 18th was postponed fans were left without a promise of a new release window, many hoping for the delay to only last a few months. Well, a few months later we got both good and bad news coming out of Ubisoft’s latest investor Q&A session. The unfortunate part of the news is that we might not be able to play Far Cry 6 this summer.

The more inspiring news is that Ubisoft plans on releasing the game before September of this year, leaving a bit of room for the game to be released earlier.

What has been actually announced is that Ubisoft is on track to release both Rainbow Six Quarantine and Far Cry 6 in the first half of the fiscal year 2021-2022, which would end on September 30th, 2021. This is to say that the date is something we figured out from Ubisoft’s statement, which gives us a little hope that the game might actually come out earlier.

Unfortunately, the ambiguous promise also means that it could quite possibly come out later.

Far Cry 6 Screenshot 3

In the financial report itself, Ubisoft only promised the investors that the game will come out this fiscal year, and that could be as far out as March 31, 2022. With little to no gameplay information or concrete reports on the development progress, the community doesn’t quite know which of the dates sounds more plausible than the other.

There is hoping that more information will be presented during Ubisoft Forward event held during E3 2021 on June 12th. Fingers crossed, with the game set to release before fall of this year we might see some more trailers and gameplay content soon.

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Mila Grish
Mila Grish

Dedicated contributor at EIP Gaming and a part-time collector of books she will never have time to actually read. Jumps on the newest releases just as quickly as on the uncovered dusty collections from the basement. For her, shiny graphics can never be an excuse to not have a polished player experience or an immersive story.

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