Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark Interview

If you’re interested in learning a few things about 6 Eyes Studio and their recently released tactical RPG Fell Seal: Arbiter’s Mark, you should check out this RPG Watch interview with 6 Eyes’ Pierre and Christina Leclerc. The interview covers the team’s background, the game’s inspirations, its potential target audience, the art of balancing strategic gameplay with RPG mechanics, and more.

A couple of sample questions:

How would you describe your game to an interested player?

It’s very much like Final Fantasy Tactics, but with some modernized elements like a more user-friendly UI and the option to speed up battles. For those who aren’t familar with FFT, the gameplay has three main “phases”: the setup phase where you customize your characters using a huge variety of classes and abilities, the tactical combat itself where you bring a team of (usually) 6 characters onto a battlefield and use your wits to achieve victory, and the story scenes that provide the impetus for the combat.

In a huge RPG market, why should players give your game a chance?

We have put love and quality into every facet of the game. As gamers ourselves, we wanted to create something that we ourselves would enjoy playing, and we like to think that it shows. Plus, there hasn’t been anything quite like it in decades, so it’s definitely worth a look for anyone who’s into tactical RPGs.

You’re game has gotten some positive feedback. Is there any player comments you found especially noteworthy?

Community feedback has been really great over the course of development! Player comments helped make the game the best it can be, especially what we received during our Steam Early Access. The game’s Plague Doctor class probably saw some of the biggest benefits from player input, and it’s probably one of our favorites now.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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