Forever Everquesting in Velious

The drug of choice for over 300,000, probably getting close to 400,000 in a few weeks, EverQuest and its new expansion Scars of Velious, have proved that tolerance can be recycled. Releasing first Kunark last spring, and now Scars of Velious, the team at Verant knows how to keep the addiction strong and fresh. To that effect, the initial string of positive first impressions from the game have been echoing off the wintry mountaintops of the gaming media world. Here are a few of those reverberations:

  • PC.ign posted their already full review of the new expansion, heartily impressed by the changes.
  • First impressions of the icy world from Gamespot with 31 new snaps.
  • The signing party coverage with Verant employees including Brad McQuaid and others at the Electronic’s Boutique in San Diego.
  • Not one to usually hype up one website over another, but under the circumstances, Planet Everquest launched as well.
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