Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich Interview, Part One

Experience Gaming has conducted an interview with Irrational Games’ Ken Levine, asking the general manager and creative director several questions about their upcoming superhero RPG sequel, Freedom Force vs. the Third Reich. Here’s a taste:

XG: With the introduction of Freedom Force vs The Third Reich, the company is going to self-fund the development of the game. Why was that decision necessary? Does it mean we will not see an outside publisher for the rest of your games?

KL: We knew that there were two primary groups who made the first Freedom Force what it was. The first group was the development team. The second one was the fan base.

While the publisher funded the first title, they didn’t have nearly the attachment to it that Irrational and the fans had. When you look at our goals with the title: to make the best sequel possible that is primarily focused on pleasing our fans; it seemed like the obvious path to take. There was no need to involve a third party in the development of the game. It’s unlikely that we’re moving towards exclusively self-published titles.

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