Game Questions

Sanya replied to questions about different things in the game today on the Camelot Vault boards.
Here is her post:

1. How many skill points do you get per level?

As many as your new level. Sometimes more. Not going to discuss the exceptions.

2. Realm points, can you get them other then PvP and if so how?

Right now, that’s the way. Post-release, who can say =)

3. Release date please, I think EB is getting tied of me calling every day and asking them:)


4. Is there a list of things to be implemented still, and can you share?

Yes, no.

5. Thieves, I want to hear about my class:)

Not done yet. Please don’t beat me.

6. Trade skills we know some are in, how will recipes be gotten? chance luck, from books, quest?

Define luck, yes, yes.

7. How will the creation of magical items work?

Um, get someone with magic to help you create the item? Sorry, couldn’t resist. You’re getting into nitty gritty details there, and I can’t get into them with y’all.

Thanks alot Sanya!

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