GameBanshee Feature: Dungeon Siege Preview & Screenshots

Yep, I was one of the lucky people to receive the limited content build of Dungeon Siege on Friday. Interested in finding out what I thought of it? Here’s a taste of the preview I just posted:

    Now, if you’ve followed Dungeon Siege whatsoever, this shouldn’t be the first time you’ve heard of the notorious packmule. Capable of carrying three times as much as any of your party members, you’ll find yourself needing at least one of these not far into the game. Each packmule you purchase will use up one of the eight slots available to you for party members, but it also means you won’t have to leave magical equipment lying on the dungeon floor because you had no room for it. And if you think that’s all the packmule is good for, wait until one of the baddies you come across corners it and feels the wrath of its hind legs.

Accompanied with the preview are thirty-six screenshots showing my journey from the beginning farm to the frozen city of Glacern.

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