GameBanshee Joins Flashlink

As many of you already know, I’ve been struggling for quite some time to bring in revenue for GameBanshee. Since the beginning, I have accrued thousands of dollars in expenses above and beyond what advertising revenue has brought in. Obviously, for the site to continue to survive, something had to change. So, after researching every possible alternative, I have decided to join the Flashlink network.

Flashlink is a multi-site subscription service that gives you full access to an ever-growing list of premium gaming sites. Think of Flashlink as an online magazine that puts in-depth game content from a multitude of different websites at your fingertips – all for a very low cost.

What does this mean to you? Well, some areas of GameBanshee will now require that you have a Flashlink subscription in order to access them. Other areas, such as our forums, will remain totally free of charge. In addition, many of the more annoying advertisements are gone – both popups, the tower ads, and many of the button ads. Therefore, paying our many hosting, bandwidth, and license expenses is entirely dependent on your subscription.

For a full list of areas that will now require a subscription, please take a look at this page. I know many of you will be very disappointed in this change, but please look at things from my perspective. I have spent at least 4-5 hours every single day for the past two years working on GameBanshee, yet I have continually gone into debt. My only choices at this point were either to take the site offline or become a member of the Flashlink network, so I hope you’ll agree that this was the better solution.

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