Gary Gygax Interview

Gary Gygax, who is considered by many as the father of fantasy role-playing (by co-creating the original Dungeons & Dragons PnP game), answered an impressive array of questions for Computer Games Online. The questions mainly deal with D&D PnP, but it’s a very good read, and I definitely recommend giving it a look. Here’s a question to get you going:

    What is your favorite adventure module?

    About a year ago I was playing in the Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl, and I’d forgotten everything, and damn if I didn’t get into the cave where everything is slippery and dropped a +2 shield down a crevasse, and it was lost. Then I got to laughing and said ‘god, I’m mean and awful.’ This is just hideous. I think the ones that had the most fun with were the ‘G’ series—writing them and playing them. Then there’s the Vault of the Drow, where the Drow vampire and the succubus are on the island where it’s all illusionary, and there’s a big crevasse around it, and you’d try to get up on the steps and down you’d go. Plunge 200 feet to your death, or whatever. That was a lot of fun.

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