GB Feature: Darkness over Daggerford Review

To better prepare for Ossian’s upcoming Neverwinter Nights 2: Mysteries of Westgate adventure pack, we went back and took a closer look at their Darkness over Daggerford module for the first Neverwinter Nights.

…other than the companions and the scope of the quests, just about everything else about Darkness over Daggerford is a positive. Ossian added an overland map feature to make it easier to move between areas, they included some new tile sets, placeables and music to enhance the look and feel of the module, and they interjected a lot of humor into the proceedings to keep the tone lighthearted and fun. There is also a whole bunch of replayability to the module. Despite being a fairly thorough player, there are some places I never figured out how to get to (like a tower surrounded by an impassable chasm), and a couple of optional quests I wasn’t able to finish, and I think these things have more to do with the type of character I was playing rather missing important clues or NPCs. For example, I noticed lots of skill and attribute checks in the dialogue (especially for the search skill) and perhaps with a different kind of character I would have received different options and responses, and unlocked different things.

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