GB Feature: Diablo II Equipment Database Overhaul

You can count us among the droves of gamers who have fired up Diablo II for another run or two following Blizzard’s recent Diablo III announcement. As such, we felt it was time to give our several year old Diablo II unique and set item database a massive overhaul.

First, we added a number of items that we were missing from the game’s v1.10 and v1.11 patches. Next, we verified and added many statistic jitter ranges by cross-referencing them to Blizzard’s Arreat Summit listings. After that, we adopted the layout used in our very own Titan Quest equipment database and then proceeded to create all new set item pages. To finish it off, we set up a new advanced search page to fully realize the potential of the newly revised database.

We hope you like it!

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