GB Feature: Dragon Age Legends Review

After spending quite a bit of time with BioWare San Francisco’s Dragon Age Legends, Steven has penned a full review of the turn-, browser-, and social network-based RPG. A small window into his thoughts on the game:

DAL’s world is made up of several maps (including Kirkwall and Orzammar), each of which is filled with a series of connected nodes. Nodes usually generate battles, but sometimes they also give you a prize, including one crown node per map (crowns are the special DAL currency that you mostly have to spend real money on to receive). If you haven’t visited a node yet, then it costs you energy to move to it, with a higher energy cost meaning a tougher fight or a better prize. Energy replenishes over time.

When you visit a battle node, you’re prompted to select two of your companions (which can be default NPCs or any of your friends who also play the game) and place them on the battlefield. Battle placement is straightforward. Each side gets two columns of three rows each, where your melee characters can only attack the column closest to them, and ranged characters can attack anybody. Movement after combat starts is not allowed. This is roughly the same system as in Disciples II.

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