GB Feature: Drakensang: The Dark Eye Preview

We’ve put together a two-page preview of Radon Labs’ Drakensang: The Dark Eye, based on the demo that was shown at the Leipzig Games Convention earlier this year.

The basic party will consist of 4 people and it will be important to properly balance them out (like having a tank-like for combat, and a mage or elf is always handy). You can also pick up some additional followers, usually temporarily. You can play it through solo, but the game is designed for a well-balanced party so that choice would make the game a lot tougher.

The combat runs in real-time and can be paused whenever you want to. Much like in Baldur’s Gate, there’s a turn-based system running underneath which makes calculations based on the DSA system to determine the effect of your actions in combat and you can even pop up a console to see the calculations being made by the rule system.

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