GB Feature: Eschalon: Book I Post-Release Interview

To get a better perspective into the origin and development of Eschalon: Book I, we sent over a set of questions to lead programmer Thomas Riegsecker. A bit of what to expect from the exchange:

GB: Could you give us some examples of content or features planned for Book II that weren’t present in Book I?

Thomas: We didn’t reveal much about Book I beforehand and we probably won’t reveal too much about Book II either, but I can say that our plans are to make Book II about 3 times larger than Book I. The rule system used in Book I is really trimmed down from what I had designed, and so Book II will feature a much more complete version of this system. It will also feature gender selection and multiple racial choices for your character.

The only thing else I can tell you for certain is that we have no intention of changing our design philosophy: we’re going to continue to model our RPGs after single-player, old-school classics. We are happy to support this neglected corner of the market.

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