GB Feature: Fallout Revisited, Day Two

For the second installment of our Fallout Revisited feature, we present an interview with Fallout 2 designer Chris Avellone and the first half of our new “History of Fallout” article. An excerpt from the former:

GB: Looking back, is there anything about the development of Fallout 2 that you would have liked to change? Was any content removed due to cost or time constraints that you would have liked to see implemented?

Chris: Less in-jokes, it’s a pretty immature way to design a game (it’s a design directive here at Obsidian that we don’t do in-jokes or cultural references). We ran out of time at the end to do everything we planned (it always happens), so some locations had to be downscaled or cut. I did want to have the EPA location in the game (I put up a rough area doc of that way back when for a Fallout Bible entry), but it was better for the game getting done that we didn’t put it in. I also wish there’d been more time for the Raider Camp, which was pretty empty.

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