GB Feature: KoA: Reckoning – The Legend of Dead Kel Review

Ridiculously long titles aside, I think you’ll find that Eric’s two-page review of The Legend of Dead Kel covers several good reasons why you shouldn’t overlook Big Huge Games’ very first DLC for Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning. Here’s a bit of what he has to say about the $10 add-on:

As far as DLCs go, “Dead Kel” is definitely one of the better ones I’ve seen, both in terms of providing bang for your buck, as well as improving upon Reckoning’s gameplay template. One of the things that really bothered me after sinking several hours in the first game, for instance, was how the combat began to get monotonous, as there wasn’t nearly enough variety in enemy encounters or types to sustain the game for the advertised 200 hours. In “Dead Kel”, that has been improved substantially. Not only are there new and more enemies to find, but they have more interesting tactics as well – the Scavs, fast-moving predators with scythes for arms, are both fast and powerful in melee, but can also launch persistent area-of-effect attacks and even blow themselves up if you try to take them down too quickly. Root Golems, meanwhile, can tunnel underground and fling Boggarts (smaller enemies) at you. This goes hand-in-hand with a general reduction in trash mobs to fight, and more memorable encounters with varied enemy composition.

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