GB Feature: Pathfinder: Kingmaker Review

Having followed Owlcat Games’ Pathfinder: Kingmaker since it was first revealed and throughout its Kickstarter campaign, we were not going to pass up a chance to dive into the CRPG as soon as it was released this past September. And after spending the last several weeks with the game, Val is ready to share our full, five-page review. A sampling:

The game’s story companions also deserve to be mentioned. Totaling at 11, they all have their distinct backgrounds, personalities, and voices. And despite some less than stellar first impressions, after learning a bit more about the companions during their personal quests, I was struggling to decide who to take along when going out adventuring.

Still, if you don’t find the story companions to your liking, you can always just hire some mercenaries and create whatever custom party you want. Just be aware that you should do it sooner rather than later, because as the game goes on, the mercenaries become more and more expensive.

But regardless of whether you go for companions or hire a band of mercenaries, you’ll spend most of the game exploring the vast and detailed map of the Stolen Lands, discovering all sorts of areas and points of interest, stumbling onto random encounters, and delving into various dungeons.

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