GORN Bloodthirsty VR Gladiator Sim Leaves Early Access

Free Lives, the developers behind Broforce and Devolver Digital, the publishers behind the same game and many more, have announced that the Virtual Reality sensation GORN has now thrown itself out of Steam Early Access, It’s even got itself a brand new name, well version, GORN v1.0. Now it’s ready for even more SteamVR and Oculus players to jump in and test their mettle.

What is GORN? Well, it is a ridiculously over-the-top virtual reality gladiator simulator, featuring a unique physics driven engine. Take on the role of a gladiator, and take out all your stress by performing in the most violent colosseums in VR.

GORN entered Early Access way back in 2017, and it has achieved a high level of success and popularity with its players. Though, there have been reports of broken televisions, and light fixtures during play. One poor player even managed to dislocate their knee. Now, that is an unintended level of realism brought to the game. Even with those accidents, GORN still went on to become one of the top ten VR games in sales and top three in user reviews.

In the past two years Free Lives have been adding even more content into the game. From new weapons and foes to local co-op modes, and GORN’s own language. The last one, was a bit of a running joke until they realised that they had already implemented a full language and a five-track hip-hop EP in said language.

The latest update brought a showdown with a big bad, a new weapon and the usual slew of tweaks and updates.

“Our team couldn’t be more pleased to see the continuation of Free Lives’ unbelievable streak of turning weird ass ideas into commercially and critically successful games,” said Devolver Digital CFO Fork Parker.

GORN is available for SteamVR and Oculus! For more information head over to the official GORN Steam Early Access Page here.

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Jim Franklin
Jim Franklin

Jim Franklin is a freelance writer, living in Derby UK with his wife and his player 3. When time allows he likes nothing more than losing himself in a multi-hour gaming session. He likes most games and will play anything but prefers MMO's, and sandbox RPG's.

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