Greed: Black Border Reviews

A couple of recent reviews have appeared for Greed: Black Border, ClockStone Software’s sci-fi action RPG that appeared on Steam earlier this year.

Clocking in first is Gear Diary, where no score is given:

…while I started late with the action-RPG genre, I have really fallen in love with many of the games. And while my personal preference is story and character driven games, I appreciate games that focus on the loot-grinding cycle, as well as strictly combat-centric games. Each sub-genre when well done provides dozens of hours of enjoyment. And that is the problem: Greed Black Border doesn’t know what sort of game it really wants to be, so it tries a bunch of things halfheartedly, and ends up doing none of them well.

And then we have AceGamez, where the score is a 66%:

I’d like to be more positive when dealing the final critical blow to Black Border, and whilst I certainly can’t say the game is bad, conversely I can’t honestly say it’s all that great either. Poor controls really dampen the whole game while the pro-longed and never ending opening levels become so tiresome that you’ll likely run out of patients long before you get a chance to explore off-world. Despite some great looks and an appealing multiplayer mode, there’s just not enough of a compelling game here. Hack & Slash fans seeking new thrills while they prepare for the long wait for Diablo 3 may find some entertainment value, but as with Space Siege the game squanders it’s concept to create a truly middle of the road experience. Whilst it can’t be considered the same failure, Black Border is, sadly, as forgettable.

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