Grim Dawn Grim Misadventures #15

The four new screenshots presented in the fifteenth “Grim Misadventures” feature to hit the Grim Dawn forums include a look at the revised UI the artists at Crate Entertainment have prepared for us, as well as a brief glimpse at a rift hound. I’ve mirrored the screenshots in our image gallery, and will do the usual quoting below:

Since I last left you in the capable hands of Jalex, I have been busily chipping away at various odds and ends that are required to bring the game to you. On the design side, everything from masteries to quests to lore to items to merchants and socks, are falling into place in a functional playable manner. Game balance, loot tables, mastery tuning, and quests are just a few of the things we are currently busy with.

I can’t just leave you without a real screenshot though (sorry rift hound). So take a look at some of the work done by our artists recently: a refreshed HUD!

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