Grim Dawn Kickstarter Project Update #14, $406,000 and Counting

With only 54 hours to go in the Grim Dawn Kickstarter drive, Crate Entertainment’s Arthur Bruno brings us a fourteenth update that outlines the five stretch goals unlocked so far, the goals we’re closing in on, and two new reward tiers that are up for grabs. In addition, he’s cranked out a brand new four-minute gameplay video showcasing “a dual-class melee build created by mixing primarily soldier skills with a bit of demolition”:

And word is:

I know, I know, there are far too many tiers but these are the last. It is very difficult trying to meet all of the different demands for various configurations of rewards with Kickstarters 1 pledge – 1 reward system. However, to resolve the biggest remaining demand among fans, we’ve added the following single-copy + expansion tiers:

$45 Early Access Edition + Expansion is everything from the $35 tier, including beta access, plus our first expansion (which will be developed after release).

$58 Digital Collector’s + Expansion is everything from the $50 tier, including alpha / beta access, plus our first expansion (which will be developed after release).

Hopefully that should satisfy a lot of people who only wanted a single, early-access copy but also wanted the expansion. While I’m sure there are still more combinations people might want, we really have to stop here as the rewards are going off the page and people are getting confused. I think this is as close as we’re going to get on Kickstarter to making most everyone happy. ; )

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