Grimshade Reviews

A couple of weeks back, the Talerock team released their crowdfunded JRPG-inspired project Grimshade. The game was said to offer a grim story, plenty of tactical battles, and some engaging RPG systems. But now that we can check out some reviews for Grimshade, it seems like the developers didn’t quite manage to hit the mark they were aiming for. Have a look:

OnlySP 1/5:

True, too, I do not think I have ever played a game available for retail that was as unfinished as Grimshade. Unfinished games on Steam are a dime-a-dozen, but I cannot be certain I have the strength to trudge through to see the rest of a game that, doubtless, bit off more than it could chew. Besides, if this really is as large a world and extensive a narrative as promised, one should never feel obligated to push through hours of also-ran adventure hoping for an uncertain and potentially imaginary catharsis.

The Indie Game Website 5/10:

Style and substance are a hard duo to balance, especially in the indie world where budget choices closely reflect which avenue held more importance for the devs, but this game skews that delicate equilibrium all too often. I still have hope for future developments, and the game may appeal to more fervent JRPG fans, but as it stands Grimshade is a little underwhelming. The stronger elements such as combat, art direction, and sound design are held back by the technical issues, odd design decisions and weak narrative, taking itself far too seriously when – if simplified – this could be a truly fun turn-based combat game.

COGconnected 50/100:

Grimshade has stunning visuals for an RPG game. Additionally, it has an easy to play combat system and a wide array of characters with different backgrounds and personalities. Sadly, the negatives outweigh the positives due to the fact it’s incredibly story dependant, meaning you can get lost easily mid-quest if you are not invested in the story. The combat is predictable and there are game bugs that will make you restart the game and by extension the battle itself. Lastly, the choppy visuals are a little tough to digest. 6/10:

I feel some item clarification is needed in the random stuff you pick up whether it will be useful or not in some way. You might end up like me and keeping everything until you need to sell things for medkits. I found the story interesting, enough so that I didn’t let bugs stop me from trying to advance. Battles are tough, maybe more so than they should be on normal, but it is not enemy difficulty as much as the battle system sometimes works against you. There are issues I feel need to be worked out as in the performance toll it can take after running for a while. Fixing the problems will make for a better game.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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