GSC Game World Closes, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 Cancelled

Well, this comes as a bit of a surprise. Rock, Paper, Shotgun brings word via UkraNews that S.T.A.L.K.E.R. developer GSC Game World has been closed, and that their forthcoming sequel has been cancelled as a result. It seems a bit strange that a Ukrainian developer with three successful titles under their belt would have to shutter, but this blog entry from 1C’s Sergey Galenkin at least partially fills us in on what was going on behind-the-scenes:

GSC is closed, a fact confirmed by all. The team is almost completely dissolved, the state has only a few people.

The reason, which I believe – STALKER 2 is obtained only for PC: an agreement with publishers on the console did not work, and self-publishing the game under the console at the GSC does not have resources. Some say that the GSC demanded incredible condition, others that Western publishers do not want to postapokalipsisa from Eastern Europe. It is clear that the story the game on a PC with a target market in Eastern Europe would be sold in small editions.

They also say that Grigorovich was unhappy with how we obtain STALKER 2, although other people, by contrast, claim that turned out very cool and not as a reason. There’s also a view that Grigorovich stupidly tired, but I’m in it did not seem to believe.

Assaults security nobody confirmed it. That is, I believe that we could run away, but to select the way the company is not possible, the maximum space – intellectual property GSC registered outside Ukraine. It is unlikely that this would be a reason for the closure, the more that thought close Grigorovich GSC over the past year, there are several people supporting it.

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