Guild Wars 2 Coming to Consoles, Beta Testing in March

After listening in on NCsoft’s latest fiscal conference call, the folks over at Guild Wars Insider have learned that ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2 is due for “large scale testing” in March and April, and is in the “preparation stage” for making a console debut.

ArenaNet has hinted before that they have pondered the idea of GW2 on a console, but previous mentions gave no serious emphasis on it’s development past that of being a hobby. The following was transcribed from the conference call.

([Console] When it comes to Guild Wars 2 as we have announced already, we are in the preparation stage. For other titles we are looking at various options as we speak. So once again, nothing has been finalized yet for me to make specific comments now.)

We’re still giving it multiple listens, but it sound like NCsoft plans on going ahead with some kind of console access to Guild Wars 2 following launch. The also go on to mention that some development (at least in the mobile space) is being outsourced.

(In March & April there will be large scale testing for GW2; depending on results of testing a finalized commercialization schedule will be determined.)

This was kind of expected and follows along with the timeline we have come to assume ArenaNet is on.

While it’s great to see more MMOs finally reaching the console space, my worry is that the game’s ambitiousness will suffer in order to function properly on six-year-old hardware.  Unless, of course, they’re talking about the next generation of consoles, in which case a console version is a long ways out yet.

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