Guild Wars 2 Interview

There’s an interview with Guild Wars 2 lead designer Eric Flannum up on fansite Guild Wars 2 Junkies today, during which he addresses an assortment of questions about the game’s animations, class balance, player population caps, PvP and PvE progression, and more. A sampling:

GW2J: Have you thought of allowing players to choose what their starting weapon is during character creation? Though the game is still in beta, many players have commented that some of the starting weapons might not be the best for a beginning player.

Eric: There used to be a biography question that dealt with that very thing. It actually resulted in some inappropriate weapon choices for new players who weren’t aware that they were making a choice about how complex they wanted their experience to be. Since we didn’t feel that we could guarantee that all of the choices would be equally easy for starting players, we decided to pick the weapon that we thought was best for new players. We’re still taking feedback on this, of course, so players who participate in Beta Weekend Events (BWEs) should let us know if they’d prefer a different starting weapon.

GW2J: How does experience work in WvW? People were getting a lot of experience by just defending keeps, and some people weren’t getting much by fighting out in open areas. Can you explain how experience is rewarded in WvW?

Eric: Experience basically works the same way it does in PvE. Killing NPCs, such as guards and monsters, exploring new areas, gathering resources, and completing events will all yield experience. Players who were defending keeps were earning experience by participating in keep-defense events. In general, anything you’d get experience for in PvE will also yield experience in WvW, but, of course, there is the added bonus in WvW of getting experience from killing other players.

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