Guild Wars 2 Interview

The folks at Kill Ten Rats had the opportunity to fire over a handful of questions to Guild Wars 2 world designer and writer Jeff Grubb.

The focus of the story in the trailer seemed to be on the unification of the races and one elder dragon, Zhaitan. The other awakening dragons are only mentioned in passing. Will the first Guild Wars 2 story (campaign, story arc, etc.) deal primarily with Zhaitan and Orr, or will we encounter the other elder dragons as well?

The ultimate foe of Guild Wars 2 is Zhaitan, but the influences of the other dragons run deep through Tyria Jormag’s worshippers are active among the Norn, Kralkatorrik’s brand is carved across the charr lands in Ascalon, and the minions of Primordus continue to surface across the land. But the story of GW2 leads to Orr, and the City of the Gods which is Zhaitan’s lair.

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