Guild Wars 2 – Living World Season 2 Returns With Free Episodes

With the End of Dragons expansion for Guild Wars 2 looming on the horizon, we get an opportunity to revisit some of the game’s older episodic content prior to the expansion’s arrival. Kicking things off are “Gates of Maguuma” and “Entanglement,” two episodes from the second season that you can claim for free if you log into ArenaNet’s MMORPG between now and May 31, 2021.

You can find the latest patch notes over here and learn more about this nostalgic content drop below:

Guild Wars 2‘s Living World spans years of episodic storytelling, with each episode furthering the story of the world of Tyria, including new rewards, explorable areas, and other content. Starting today, to prepare for the next expansion, Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, ArenaNet will begin releasing two episodes of Living World Season 2 each week in chronological order and all players need to do is log in during the week to permanently claim the episodes on their account for free.

As episodes enter the spotlight each week, ArenaNet will update them with new achievements for new players to tackle at any time and make progress toward legendary rewards. Players who complete all the new Living World Season 2 and 3 achievements will earn a voucher for a Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons precursor weapon. When the expansion launches, players can use it to begin crafting their very own third-generation legendary weapon. The new achievements and rewards will be available permanently, so players can always complete them even if they miss the upcoming spotlight weeks.

First two free episodes of Living World Season 2 – “Gates of Maguuma” and “Entanglement”

Players can now log in to Guild Wars 2 between today and May 31 to unlock “Gates of Maguuma” and “Entanglement” for free.

“Gates of Maguuma”
A mysterious presence emerges in Brisban Wildlands. A Zephyrite airship plummets in a sudden, tragic catastrophe. Trace the clues to learn how it all went down—and stop a killer from claiming one final victim.

Scarlet Briar’s enemies never got into her head, but something else did, and her plans for it are still in motion. Search for hidden paths beneath Prosperity’s remains and follow Scarlet’s tormented logic to its unstoppable conclusion.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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