Guild Wars 2 Public Beta Applications Will Be Accepted for 48 Hours

If you’d like to secure a spot in the Guild Wars 2 beta, then you should head over to the official beta signup page with haste, as ArenaNet is only going to be accepting applications until Friday afternoon. So sayeth the press release:

Guild Wars 2 Beta public sign-up page open for 48 hours

Tyria needs play testers!

Sign up now for a chance to participate in one of the upcoming Guild Wars 2 beta events. Beta Signup is only open for 48 hours so players need to act quickly to obtain a place. Beta sign up closes at 18.00 GMT Friday 24 February.

To sign up or learn more, visit the Guild Wars 2 Beta Page at

In addition, a FAQ will be posted to help answer any questions players may have.

That FAQ mentioned at the end can be found here.

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