Guild Wars: Eye of the North Review

1Up brings us their review of Guild Wars: Eye of the North, though an overall score of 6.0/10 is not quite as favorable as we’ve come to expect from ArenaNet’s MMORPG series.

This ties into one of the weirdest things about GWEN: It comes off as a hasty advertisement for Guild Wars 2. Some of the racial retcons (the obviously Conan-inspired Norn; friendly factions of Guild Wars’ minotaurlike Charr) fit comfortably into the existing fiction&while the impish Asura look (and sound) as if Harry Potter’s Dobby, Sam & Max’s Max, and a stereotypical Martian got into some sort of freak lab accident. Yes, we know the sequel’s en route, without these incongruous elements shoehorned in. But hey — ArenaNet’s making doubly sure we’re aware of that, as GWEN’s halfhearted presentation is an unmistakable plea for players to forget about this old game and focus on the future.

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