Hammer & Sickle Reviews

A couple more reviews for CDV and Nival’s Hammer & Sickle are now available, though neither one is very positive. The first is at 1Up with an overall score of 3.5/10:

Except for true masochists who believe that hair-pulling frustration equals enjoyable realism, Hammer & Sickle offers nothing worth paying for — except maybe time to catch up on your reading while waiting for your turn to load.

And the second is at Gamerz-Edge with an overall score of 5.6/10:

Some great works come before their time and are overlooked. Then. some mediocre works come 10 years late and risk the same. Hammer and Sickle is a fun game, with lots to do. but graphically most gamers expect more than Hammer and Sickle delivers. With a number of glitches, and sub-standard sound I wouldn’t recommend this title unless you are an avid fan of the turn-based RPG genre.

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