Hard to be a God Review

A surprise late review of Russian cRPG Hard to be a God comes from Games Radar, who take a short but fair look at the game, giving it a 5.

The game’s ambition deserves respect. The story, somewhat usurped by Assassin’s Creed, follows a spy in a traditional medieval fantasy fiction world who gains access to futuristic technology, thus becoming a bit like a god to the locals. With its reasonably fresh idea, and the pleasingly esoteric title, we really wanted to forgive HtbaG its amateurish presentation.

But try as we might, it’s just rubbish. The storytelling is a mess from the beginning. No hint of the larger story is given, no introduction, just the hoariest of RPG quests. Kill the bandits, find the cows, negotiate with the thieves. OK, find the cows is a bit original, but it might as well have been ‘˜find the missing daughter’ (that comes in a couple of hours, don’t worry). The first hint of the future-o-story comes when suddenly, mid-conversation with someone, you’re in a nondescript location where a man talks complete gibberish at you, before you’re dumped back to where you started.

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