Hard Truck: Apocalyptic Wars Preview

The Armchair Empire brings us a brief preview of Targem’s newly renamed vehicular post-apocalyptic RPG, Hard Truck: Apocalyptic Wars. A snippet:

As far as plot is concerned, civilization as we know it came to a crashing halt due to some sort of mysterious accident. Over the two centuries that followed, a good-sized chunk of the human race died off, and those that survived were charged with the task of rebuilding the earth. Of course, with the collapse of the world as we know it left the door wide open for criminals to take a large piece of the pie, and seize control. This is where the big, armored trucks come into play, as players have to drive their vehicle in search of the hidden secrets of the fallen civilization in an attempt to get Earth back on its feet, and destroy the mobsters that have been profiting at everyone else’s expense.

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