Hellgate: London Underground Communique #1 & #2

Flagship Studios has posted their first two “Underground Communique” features to the official Hellgate: London website (here and here), which are designed to round up all of the recent news about the game. A snip from #2:

Single Player Patch 1.2 Beta Released, New Build Coming

The massive Single Player Patch 1.2 Beta update was released Friday afternoon. Its patch notes, 15 pages in length, contained a massive list of changes including all of the tweaks made with multiplayer patches 0.7, 1.0, 1.1, 1.1b, and 1.2. Four of the six classes had significant rebalancing and the single player client’s overall stability was drastically improved. Single Player fans who were eagerly awaiting the announcement of beta’s release put the energy to some rather industrious URL scouting and actually discovered the patch’s executable file while it was being uploaded!

Two significant bugs have been reported in the beta build: Skill Retrainer tokens weren’t given to all characters who were supposed to receive them and Elite Mode isn’t triggering upon Normal Mode completion. These two pesky pests are rapidly being squashed and swatted and otherwise done away with. A fresh build, quite possibly the release candidate for the Single Player Patch 1.2 final, is being worked on and will be released later this week.

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