Heroes of Might and Magic V Preview

The folks at TotalVideoGames are offering up a four-page preview of Ubisoft’s Heroes of Might and Magic V, based on what they saw during a recent presentation of the fully 3D RTS/RPG hybrid. Here’s a taste:

Scattered throughout the gameworld are a number of artefacts, which aid the hero characters through their campaigns much like in an RPG title. Artefacts are usually pieces of armour such as helmets and cuirasses, weapons, or even spells. Though exact details of every artefact would ruin the game, Ubisoft has confirmed a couple such as the Turban of Enlightenment (which increases the level of a character’s experience by 20%) and the Trident of the Titans (which increases the level of damage caused by a player’s attack by 50%). A further breakdown has also been given regarding the different types of spells that can be cast in the game, including Combat Spells, Adventure Spells, Destructive Magic, Dark Magic, Summoning Magic, Light Magic, and Special Abilities though the spell book was certainly very empty during the course of the demo.

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